What is Juneteenth? It's Growing Popularity Explained


Man oh man! Juneteenth, you ask? That's a big ol' topic, bubbling with history and meaning, much like a pot of grandma's best gumbo. Juneteenth, celebrated on - yep, you guessed it - June 19, commemorates the emancipation of enslaved African American folks back in 1865. And boy, has this celebration gained some serious traction over the past few years.

From being known primarily within the black community to now being recognized as a federal holiday, we're talking major league growth here. According to a Gallup poll, awareness of Juneteenth rose spectacularly from a mere 37% in 2020 to a whopping 70% in 2021 - almost double! That ain't no small accomplishment, y'all!

And speakin’ about accomplishments, let's chat a little about 'black excellence'. Defined as the recognition and celebration of the achievements of individuals of African descent, black excellence is on the rise, like a soaring eagle. Don't believe me? Let me throw you some hard figures. According to the US Census Bureau, there were 2.6 million black-owned businesses in 2012. Fast forward 8 years and we're talkin’ about an estimated 35% increase as per Guidant Financial's Small Business Trends Alliance report. Now if that ain't progress, I don't know what is!

Most of these black-owned businesses, by the by, are concentrated in healthcare and social assistance sectors, retail trade, and waste-management services. Now, ain't that a diverse portfolio? These biz folks ain’t just grafting away, they're practically changing the world one business at a time!

Now, speaking of changing the world, let's steer this wagon toward African American history. Nowadays, it's out in the open, being talked about, sung about, and written about more than ever. From the widely popular 1619 project by the New York Times to an outpouring of books, films, and music exploring the experiences of African Americans, I say 'bout time!

Now, let's chew on the word 'black.' No longer something folks are ashamed of or hiding from, no siree! Black is being embraced, celebrated, and shouted from the rooftops! Didn't folks used to want to bleach it out, iron it flat, and mute its beautiful, vibrant voice? But today, the word black is synonymous with pride, heritage, determination, and hope. It marks a journey from the pain of the enslaved to the triumph of the free.


 Steer into the future now, the picture's full of hope. We got increasing numbers of black folks graduating from college. Census Bureau says 38% of African Americans had a two-year degree or higher in 2020, up from 33% in 2010. More education should mean better pay, right? Bureau of Labor Statistics data say black wages are rising too. Still a ways to go compared to our white brothers and sisters, but ain't no mountain high enough, right?

So whaddya say, buddy? We got Juneteenth soaring in popularity, black-owned businesses flourishing, African American history surfacing in mainstream culture, and the proud term “black” being celebrated. With more education and rising incomes, the future ain't looking too shabby for the black community. Today, as we stand on the cusp of tomorrow, we can already start to see a brighter dawn. And buddy, it's looking mighty fine.

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